Tuesday, September 20, 2016

arrived in Guelph today

After biking more than 217 km over the last few days I have arrived in Guelph were I will be spending a couple of weeks helping my 90 year old dad fix bicycles.

I left London last Thursday and got to Stratford about midnight. After attending a meeting on Friday night I was held up by rain on Saturday. I left about 7 am Sunday and got to Listowel mid afternoon. Replaced a tire on my trailer and scouted for a place to camp. I got downtown Listowel early Monday morning and waited for 9 am when the Listowel Banner office would open so I could thank Dan McNee for the fantastic story he had published in me August. Leaving Listowel about 9:30 am I arrived in Fergus about 8 pm. A bearing went out on the trailer and I installed a new one Tuesday morning with the help of my brother in law, Tim.  Leaving Fergus about 10 am I arrived at Arkel Rd in Guelph about 3:30 pm. The 217 km from google maps does not include the extra running around I did within the towns I visited.

I met many nice people during this trip which is proving to be a trip of self discovery. One gentleman who I met on a bike trail said he was following me on the internet. Three students in Guelph helped me up the steep hill on Gordon street near the University.

I am planning a future book about the Betterment of the world. Every time someone does a pure and kindly deed, they make the world a little better. Those who have treated me so kindly have for sure made the world a better place for me.

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